Humanities at Vermont Primary School includes Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.
Where possible the teaching and learning of Humanities will be integrated into other subject areas. For example, strong connections exist between English and History and literacy is essential to historical understanding.
Through the study of history, students learn how to read texts with critical discernment and how to create their own texts that present the results of historical understanding clearly and logically.
At Vermont Primary we enable a ‘whole school approach’ to Humanities to ensure that there is continuity and consistency across the grades. The teaching teams plan their units of work together and ensure that the required content is taught and outcomes are met throughout the year.
Parents will be kept informed of the Humanities topics that are being focused on at school so that they may support
these and follow them up with discussions at home.
Vermont Primary School aims to ensure that students will:
ï‚· Develop a sense of time and understanding of history in its chronological setting and to help pupils to develop geographical knowledge and understanding.
ï‚· Develop practical skills of first and second hand investigations and research and introduce pupils to the process of geographical enquiry.
ï‚· Develop an interest and enthusiasm for the study of the past.
ï‚· Grow in their ability to understand that Geography is the study of people and places and the interaction between them and develop an awareness that the past has lessons for the present and future.