Vermont Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture helps to engage students and support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are closely linked (Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy).
Based on this commitment and following research and trial implementation of resilience practises, it was decided in 2019 to introduce The Resilience Project across the whole school from Foundation to Year 6. The Resilience Project curriculum was designed by teachers for teachers and aligns with Victorian and Australian Curriculum standards and framework in the areas of Personal and Social Capabilities and the Health and Physical Education.
The program is based on the philosophy that, in order to live a happier more fulfilling life, we need to regularly practise Gratitude, Empathy (kindness) and Mindfulness. Emotional literacy – having self-awareness and recognition of one's own feelings and knowing how to manage them – is also an integral part of the program. Each week we conduct a formal lesson based on one of these practises and the students complete an entry into their Resilience Journals. The lessons also engage the students in activities such as creating gratitude posters, mindfulness colouring and matching appropriate emotions to different events.
Below is one example of how are students are working to embed the philosophies of The Resilience Project into everyday life.